Alcaidesa Marina, in line with its environmental protection and management policy, has signed up to the campaign led by the Bay of Algeciras Port Authority known as "Against Pollution by Single-Use Plastics".

Within the framework of this campaign, Alcaidesa Marina has implemented the following measures at its facilities:

  • Replacement of plastic cups in water machines with recyclable cardboard cups.
  • Replacement of everyday bin bags with biodegradable and/or reusable plastic bags for cleaning the facilities.
  • Use of jugs of water instead of bottles of water at meetings.
  • Placement of selective plastic collection points at the marina and shipyard offices (complementing those already found on the pontoons and at the recycling point).

What's more, a further series of measures will be implemented to raise awareness among marina users about reducing the consumption of single-use plastics.

Within these measures, we plan to launch an awareness campaign reminding our customers about the benefits of reducing the use of plastics.

Although we're all well aware of the need to use less plastic, certain measures can easily be taken to make a difference: 

  • Use reusable bottles instead of plastic bottles.
  • Use reusable bags and replace plastic bags with cloth or biodegradable bags.
  • Avoid using plastic straws for drinks.
  • Avoid buying fruit and veg in plastic packaging.
  • Don't use single-use plastic cups, plates and cutlery.
  • Use wooden clothes pegs.
  • Use cotton buds with a paper stem instead of a plastic one.
  • Replace your capsule coffee machine with a traditional one.
  • Recycle used plastic in yellow containers.
  • Use biodegradable bags for household waste.

As part of this campaign, customers who sign annual contracts or renew them in 2020 will be given a reusable thermal bottle for free.