Alcaidesa Servicios, whose main activity is the construction and management of marinas: Administrative management of mooring points, supply of fuel, drinking water and energy, management of the dry dock (lifting gantry crane service and repair of boats) and complementary activities (cleaning and maintenance of facilities, equipment, machinery and work surfaces); By this document, it acquires the commitment to include in its activities the protection of the Environment and the Health of its employees.

Alcaidesa Servicios’ environmental policy will be based on the principle of prevention and minimization at source of possible negative environmental effects, through continuous improvement programs, following the following guidelines:

  • Implement and keep up to date an Environmental Management System applicable to the management of the construction of Marinas and the management and administration of Marinas, which allows obtaining a certification in accordance with the UNE / EN / ISO 14001 Standard, with everything that This implies, achieving the collective effort, security of action and results.
  • Adopt all the necessary measures to comply with environmental regulations and other requirements applicable to its activities at the European, State, Autonomous and Local level.
  • Promote the dissemination of good environmental practices to all activities carried out by Alcaidesa Servicios, as well as to all suppliers and contractors.
  • Comply with the content of the good environmental practice agreements signed with the Port Authority.
  • Adopt the necessary measures to prevent pollution, evaluating in advance the impact on the environment of its activities and adopt preventive measures to minimize environmental effects.
  • Evaluate and know all the environmental impacts, both positive and negative, derived from its activities and the services it develops, in order to reduce and prevent negative ones as far as possible.
  • Make a sustainable use of natural resources, promoting the efficient use of energy in all activities.
  • Manage and treat our waste in the most respectful way with the environment and minimize its generation in its operations.
  • Train and motivate staff to achieve a high level of responsibility and involvement so that everyone can decisively contribute to achieving the established environmental objectives, periodically identifying the training needs of staff in environmental matters, and establishing the corresponding training plans to improve the awareness and professional competence of the same.
  • Difundir y transmitir esta política a todos los agentes implicados, (empleados, usuarios, suministradores, subcontratistas y público en general), concienciando a los trabajadores para el respeto hacia el medio ambiente.
  • Define and periodically review the objectives and goals established in compliance with this policy, within the process of continuous improvement of our activity.
  • Procure the necessary resources for the continuous improvement of the environmental management system and the environmental performance of the company, establishing annual environmental management plans.