Free lift* for your boat plus a 20% discount on our antifouling labour rates when you renew your annual berthing contract at Alcaidesa Marina.

As a valued annual berth holder customer of Alcaidesa Marina we would like to offer you a FREE LIFT FOR YOUR BOAT with our 75Tn travel lift. All you need to do to qualify for your FREE LIFT is to renew your annual berthing contract at Alcaidesa Marina. Upon full payment for your renewal of your annual berthing contract you will be presented with a voucher for your FREE LIFT plus a 20% discount on our labour rates for antifouling your boat.

We expect many boat owners will take advantage of this loyalty programme so we suggest letting us know as soon as you can that you wish to renew your annual contract.

You can see our annual rates on our Berthing Rates section.

Offer only available for renewals completed within 2 weeks of expiry of previous annual contract This loyalty programme offer is made subject to yard availability and maybe withdrawn at any time.
The Free Lift and the 20% of discount on current labour rates must be used during the period of the annual contract.
*One movement of the boat hoist.


Free* lift for your boat plus a 20% discount on our antifouling labour rates when you take a two year berthing contract at Alcaidesa Marina, Costa del Sol, Spain.

We offer you a FREE LIFT for your boat with our 75tn travel lift plus a 20% discount on our antifouling labour rates when you pay in advance for a two year berthing contract. Naturally in taking up this offer, you will be protected from any rental increase in the second year.

You can see our annual rates on our Berthing Rates section.

This loyalty programme offer is made subject to yard availability and may be withdrawn at any time The Free Lift and the 20% of discount on current labour rates must be used during the first year of your contract.
*One movement of the boat hoist.


You may complete your booking or request further information about this deal via the following form.

* De acuerdo con lo establecido por el Reglamento Europeo de Protección de Datos 679/2016 del 26 de Mayo de 2016 (RGPD), el cliente/usuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento al tratamiento de sus datos del que es responsable Alcaidesa Servicios S.A. con la finalidad de informarle sobre los productos y servicios solicitados, así como el envío de comunicaciones comerciales sobre los mismos. Sus datos serán gestionados por Alcaidesa Servicios S.A. y almacenados en SENDINBLUE, nuestro proveedor de servicios de marketing. Asimismo, le informamos de la posibilidad de ejercer los derechos de transparencia, acceso, rectificación, información, supresión, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad y oposición de sus datos a través de nuestras vías de contacto.